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Mon – Fri 7.30am – 6pm
Saturday 8am – 1pm

Why self-storage is so popular in the 21st century

self-storageIt is a hard to remember a time without the huge benefits of self-storage. Self-storage units are dotted across our landscapes in the UK; they help us when we are moving home; they support us when storing our valuables temporarily; they help businesses deal with space growth and space creation -cutting budgets and streamlining processes. Why have they become more popular than ever in this new millennium?

Self-storage – a brief history

Self -storage like so many things in recent years found its way from across the pond because it all started – no surprise – in the United states of America. The USA saw its first units appear as early as the 1960’s but the UK did not see it’s first self-storage units until the 1980’s. The rest as they say is history. There are more than 1000 facilities across the country which equates to approximately 37.6 million square feet of rentable space. Clearly a booming industry, but you have to look to the environment and current culture to get an idea as to why it is thriving so much.

Relationships are more unstable

Unfortunately, in many ways some would say our relationships are much more unstable than they were just 50 years ago. Due to liberal ideals, sacred rituals such as marriage happen faster and easier. In the same way, the Christian religion accepts divorce much more easily and it has become acceptable to the point where sadly it is commonplace. Where once it was a scandal now it is just seen as one of life’s many hurdles. With this environment, people are much more transient. With movement there is a need to store valuables until you can find a more permanent location.

People living longer

With advances in medical science we are becoming an aging society. Whereas in the 1930’s you could expect to live for a couple of years after you have retired, now you can look forward to living for a further 2 decades. Older couples are more likely to be moving on from the large family home and downsizing. With no place to store their nostalgia in the new smaller home they look to self-storage to hold onto precious memories.

Individuals are more transient

Even as late as the early 20th century individuals and families hardly left their own town or village.  the 21st century travelling to other side of the world can be organised almost at the push of a button. Travelling long distances to commute or live temporarily is as much a part of everyday life as the sun in the sky. Hence people need self-storage to cater for those times when they are on the road. For instance, the student who lives far from home can find self-storage essential when studying away, and returning home during term holidays.

Small business is supported where possible by government in the UK and so new SME’s, especially over the last twenty years are thriving. Self-storage can assist organisations where there is restricted space and so can streamline in-house procedures and enhance business growth.

Perhaps the biggest factor for the continuous growth of the self-storage industry is people are more aware that it is there and what it is for. Let’s face it – space (that is earthly space) has never been that interesting. Now its like the grocers on the high street. Pop in and see us to find out what services we offer at Need A Space self-storage in Faversham. Contact us on 01227 751673 or fill in our website contact form. We look forward to hearing from you!


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